Annual Reports

eagle-network-annual-report-2023-french.pdf, 3.07 MB
  • Malgré plusieurs défis rencontrés, notamment en début d'année, les équipes d'EAGLE sont allées de l'avant et ont obtenu des résultats significatifs. 90 trafiquants d'espèces sauvages ont été arrêtés dans 6 pays.
  • 56 trafiquants d'ivoire ont été arrêtés avec 609 kg d'ivoire, dont 110 défenses et 135 pièces d'ivoire.
  • 14 trafiquants d'écailles de Pangolin ont été arrêtés avec plus de 300 kg d'écailles.
  • 12 trafiquants d'oiseaux ont été arrêtés au Congo, en Côte d'Ivoire et au Sénégal où un réseau de trafiquants de perroquets ayant des liens internationaux a été démantelé.
  • 6 trafiquants de primates ont été arrêtés, 4 au Cameroun et 2 en Côte d'Ivoire. 3 bébés chimpanzés, un mandrill, un drill ont été secourus et une énorme cargaison de 40 primates a été saisie au Togo et renvoyée en RDC.
  • 3 trafiquants de peaux de grands félins, dont un officier militaire, ont été arrêtés lors de 2 opérations avec 2 peaux de panthère parmi d'autres peaux saisies.
  • 84 % des trafiquants arrêtés sont restés derrière les barreaux au moins au début des poursuites.
  • 1 262 articles de presse ont été publiés dans les médias nationaux.
  • Dans 4 opérations minimum, la corruption a été révélée lors de l'arrestation ou peu de temps après l'arrestation.
  • Cette année a vu une amélioration des peines en RD Congo, avec des peines plus dissuasives prononcées.
eagle-network-annual-report-2023.pdf, 3.07 MB
  • Despite several challenges encountered especially at the beginning of the year, the EAGLE teams pushed forward obtaining significant results. 90 wildlife traffickers were arrested in 6 countries
  • 56 ivory traffickers were arrested with 609 kg of ivory, which include 110 tusks and 135 ivory pieces
  • 14 pangolin scales traffickers were arrested with more than 300 kg of scales
  • 12 bird traffickers were arrested in Congo, Cote d’Ivoire and Senegal where a network of parrot traffickers with international links was dismantled
  • 6 primate traffickers were arrested, 4 in Cameroon, and 2 Cote d’Ivoire. 3 baby chimps, a mandrill, a drill were rescued and a huge consignment of 40 primates seized in Togo and returned to DRC
  • 3 big cat skin traffickers, one of them a military officer, were arrested in 2 operations with 2 leopard skins among other skins seized
  • 84 % of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars at least at the early stages of the prosecution
  • 1,262 media pieces were published in national media
  • At least in 4 of the operations, corruption was exposed during the arrest or shortly after.
  • This year saw an improvement in sentencing in Congo with more deterring punishments handed
eagle-network-1st-semester-report-2023.pdf, 1.39 MB
  • Despite several challenges encountered during the period, the EAGLE teams pushed forward. 43 significant wildlife traffickers arrested in 6 countries
  • 24 ivory traffickers arrested with close to 280 kg of ivory, which include 58 tusks and 14 ivory pieces
  • 9 pangolin scales traffickers arrested with more than 186 kg of scales
  • 9 parrot traffickers arrested with 171 parrots in three countries
  • 83 % of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 534 media pieces were published in national media
  • At least in 2 cases, corruption was exposed during the arrest operation
  • Strikes by magistrates in Gabon slowed the court system; in Congo, appointments and transfers made within the judiciary hampered the smooth holding of court trials
eagle-network-annual-report-2022.pdf, 2.97 MB
  • 141 wildlife traffickers were arrested in 7 countries in 2022
  • 76 ivory traffickers arrested with 563 kg of ivory, which include 124 tusks and 155 ivory pieces
  • 23 big cat skin traffickers arrested with 23 leopard skins and 2 lion skins
  • 22 pangolin scales traffickers arrested with more than 1,730 kg of scales
  • 10 primate traffickers were arrested, 6 in Cameroon, 3 in the Congo Republic and 1 in Gabon. 3 baby chimps, 5 mandrills and a moustache guenon were rescued
  • 84 % of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars at least at the early stages of the prosecution
  • 1,966 media pieces were published in national media
  • At least in 6 of the operations, corruption was exposed during the arrest or shortly after
  • This year saw an improvement in sentencing as Gabon and Congo got more deterring punishments handed
eagle-network-1st-semester-2022-report.pdf, 2.06 MB
  • Despite several challenges encountered during the period, the EAGLE teams pushed forward. 73 significant wildlife traffickers arrested in 7 countries
  • 40 ivory traffickers arrested with over 283 kg of ivory, which include 69 tusks and 74 ivory pieces
  • 14 big cat skin traffickers arrested with 17 leopard skins and 2 lion skins
  • 13 pangolin scales traffickers arrested with more than 1,250 kg of scales
  • 5 primate traffickers arrested; 4 in Cameroon with 2 baby chimps and a mandrill and one in Gabon with a baby chimp and a Moustache Guenon
  • 85 % of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 938 media pieces were published in national media
  • At least in 2 of the operations, corruption was exposed during the procedure to prosecute
eagle-network-annual-report-2021.pdf, 2.64 MB
  • Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and its many related difficulties, the EAGLE teams pulled through and forward. 160 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 9 countries
  • At least in 10 of the operation, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation or shortly after
  • 79 ivory traffickers arrested with 498 kg of ivory, which includes 161 tusks
  • 33 big cat traffickers arrested, and 30 leopard and one lion skin skins seized
  • 10 pangolin and pangolin scales traffickers were arrested during 7 operations in Cameroon and one in Côte d’Ivoire. More than 885 kg of scales were seized
  • 16 primate traffickers were arrested in Cameroon and Congo, 2 baby chimps, 6 live mandrills, a drill, a young baboon and two monkeys were rescued
  • 87 % of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 2,411 media pieces published in national media, on the effective application of the law highlighting the arrests, prosecution and jailing of convicted traffickers
eagle-network-annual-report-2021-fr.pdf, 2.46 MB
  • Malgré la pandémie de la COVID 19, et les nombreuses difficultés engendrées par celle-ci, les équipes EAGLE ont surmonté les défis et continué à avancer. 160 trafiquants importants de la faune sauvage et d’autres criminels ont été arrêtés dans 9 pays
  • La corruption était tellement flagrante dans au moins une dizaine d’opérations, qu’elle a été exposée le jour même de l’opération ou peu après
  • 79 trafiquants d’ivoire ont été arrêtés avec 498 kg d’ivoire, comprenant 161 défenses d’éléphant
  • 33 trafiquants de grands félins ont été arrêtés, et 30 peaux de léopard et une peau de lion saisies
  • 10 trafiquants de pangolins et d’écailles de pangolin ont été arrêtés pendant 7 opérations au Cameroun et une en Côte d’Ivoire. Plus de 885 kg d’écailles de pangolin ont été saisis
  • 16 trafiquants de primates ont été arrêtés au Cameroun et au Congo. 2 bébés chimpanzés, 6 mandrills vivants, un drill, un jeune babouin et deux singes ont été sauvés
  • 87 % des trafiquants arrêtés sont restés derrière les barreaux
  • 2 411 pièces médiatiques concernant l’application de la loi et mettant en lumière les arrestations, la poursuite et l’incarcération des trafiquants condamnés ont été publiés dans les médias nationaux
eagle-network-1st-semester-2021-report.pdf, 1.35 MB
  • Despite the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and several other difficulties, the EAGLE teams pushed forward. 84 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals were arrested in 9 countries
  • At least in 6 of the operations, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation or shortly after
  • 45 ivory traffickers were arrested with 327.67 kg of ivory, which includes 125 tusks and 181 ivory pieces
  • 22 big cat traffickers were arrested with 22 leopard skins
  • 7 pangolin scales traffickers arrested with more than 351 kg of scales
  • 6 primate traffickers were arrested, 4 in Cameroon with 2 mandrills and a baby chimp and 2 in Congo with a mandrill rescued
  • 3 human bones traffickers arrested in Congo in a crackdown operation
  • 82% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 1,331 media pieces were published in national media
eagle-network-annual-report-2020.pdf, 2.44 MB
  • Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and its many related difficulties, the EAGLE teams pulled through and forward.
  • 138 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 8 countries
  • At least in 10 of the operation, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation or shortly after.
  • 83 ivory traffickers arrested with over 1,100 kg of ivory, which includes 236 tusks
  • 23 big cat traffickers arrested, and 20 leopard and one lion skin skins seized
  • 8 pangolin scales traffickers arrested in three operations in Cameroon, more than 530 kg of scales were seized.
  • 6 primate traffickers arrested, a baby chimp and three live mandrills rescued
  • 5 human bones traffickers arrested in Cameroon in two crackdown operations
  • 80% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 2,514 media pieces published in national media, at least 144 media pieces were published in the countries as a result of the effort of the media officers spreading the message about the link between the illegal wildlife trade and the Covid-1 pandemic. At least 17 international media pieces published
eagle-network-1st-semester-2020-report.pdf, 1.31 MB
  • Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and its many related difficulties, the EAGLE teams pulled through and forward. 50 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 4 countries
  • At least in 7 of the operation, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation or shortly after.
  • 22 ivory traffickers arrested with over 200 kg of ivory, which includes 33 tusks
  • 9 big cats traffickers arrested, and 11 leopard skins seized
  • 4 pangolin scales traffickers arrested in two operations in Cameroon, more than 430 kg of scales were seized.
  • 3 primate traffickers arrested in Cameroon and two live mandrills rescued
  • 5 human bones traffickers arrested in Cameroon in two crackdown operations
  • 75% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 1,124 media pieces published in national media, at least 144 media pieces were published in the countries as a result of the effort of the media officers spreading the message about the link between the illegal wildlife trade and the Covid-1 pandemic. At least 14 international media pieces published
eagle-network-annual-report-2019.pdf, 1.93 MB
  • 171 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 10 countries
  • At least in 9 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed and fought on the day of operation.
  • 5 ivory traffickers including a son of former Minister of Finance arrested with two large tusks in Cameroon.
  • 112 ivory traffickers arrested with more than 1,000 kg of ivory, which includes over 300 tusks and 500 carved pieces
  • 4 ivory traffickers arrested with 128 kg of ivory in Gabon in November
  • 3 great ape traffickers were arrested in 2 countries, 2 live chimpanzees and one mandrill were rescued in Cameroon and Congo.
  • 18 pangolin traffickers were arrested in 2 countries, over 1,800 kg of their scales seized.
  • 15 pangolin scale traffickers were arrested in Cameroon in a series of five operations, crushing organized international gangs of traffickers. More than 1.8 tons of pangolin scales were seized.
  • 2 human bone traffickers arrested in Congo in November.
  • 90% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars while on trial
  • 2,495 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions were published in national media in nine countries and 7 international media pieces were published.
eagle-network-1-semester-2019-report.pdf, 1.01 MB
  • 106 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 8 countries
  • At least in 7 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation
  • 69 ivory traffickers arrested with over 600 kg of ivory, which includes 203 tusks and 485 carved pieces
  • 16 pangolin scales traffickers arrested in a series of operations, leading to a successful crackdown on international trafficking rings in Cameroon, more than 1,800 kg of scales were seized.
  • 2 great ape traffickers arrested in Cameroon and a live chimpanzee rescued
  • 93% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
  • 1,318 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions published in national media and at least 5 international media pieces published
  • eagle-network-annual-report-2018.pdf, 1.63 MB
    • 181 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 10 countries
    • In at least 13 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant, that it was exposed and fought on the day of operation.
    • 122 ivory traffickers arrested with more than 1,300 kg of ivory, which includes over 400 tusks and 600 carved pieces
    • A major crackdown was achieved on an international ivory trafficking network in Côte d’Ivoire in January. The leader, Tran Van Tu, a Vietnamese national, was arrested in Abidjan with five other members of his network, a criminal syndicate that had been operating for years in at least seven different countries
    • Carlos Corces Bustamante, a Spanish wildlife criminal, was arrested in Guinea. He had illegally rented a hunting reserve in a remote area, abounding in wildlife, where he had organized hunting expeditions for trophy hunters from all around the world, with no respect for any law
    • Harouna Traoré, a member of the notorious Traoré trafficking family, arrested in Guinea in December.
    • The 10th replication of the EAGLE Network in Burkina Faso kicked off by a crackdown on ivory and leopard skin traffickers in December
    • 8 great ape traffickers were arrested in 3 countries, 4 live chimpanzees and two mandrills were rescued
    • 23 pangolin traffickers were arrested in 3 countries, over 1,800 kg of their scales seized.
    • 88% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars while on trial
    • 2,816 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions published in national media and 11 international media pieces published
    eagle-network-1-semester-2018-report.pdf, 1.03 MB
    • 104 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 9 countries
    • At least in 7 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation
    • 84 ivory traffickers arrested with almost 1 ton of ivory, which includes 132 tusks and 189 pieces
    • A major crackdown in Côte d'Ivoire against an international ivory trafficking network. The leader, a Vietnamese national Tran Van Tu, was arrested in Abidjan with five other members of his network, a criminal syndicate that had been operating for years in at least seven different countries and was also involved in money laundering and human trafficking to China.
    • 5 great ape traffickers arrested in 2 countries and 4 live chimpanzees rescued
    • 92% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars for the first week
    • 1,471 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions published in national media and over 12 international media pieces published
    eagle-network-annual-report-2017.pdf, 1.42 MB
    • 406 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 9 countries
    • 240 ivory traffickers arrested with more than 3,400 kg of ivory, which includes over 560 tusks and almost 900 carved pieces
    • 1.3 ton of ivory seized and 3 traffickers arrested in a crackdown on a West African criminal syndicate in Uganda. Kromah Moazu, the main trafficker arrested is at the center of a vast ring of organized wildlife criminals, dealing in multi-million dollars illicit profits.
    • One of the biggest ape traffickers in the African continent Abdourahamane Sidibe and his son Abdoul Salam Sidibé arrested in Guinea
    • 35 pangolin traffickers arrested in 4 countries, 5 live pangolins rescued and about 8,400 kg of their scales seized, two crackdowns in Cameroon and Ivory Coast represent the biggest seizures in these parts of Africa.
    • 66 big cat traffickers arrested, 63 leopard skins, 3 lion skins and 2 cheetah skins seized
    • 12 reptile traffickers arrested in 5 countries, 118 of threatened turtles and tortoises and 9 crocodiles rescued, 96 crocodile skins, 1,143 python skins, 101 monitor lizard skins, and other contraband seized. A crackdown on an international trafficking ring in Togo exposes a new magnitude of trade in snake skins never imagined possible
    • 4 bird traffickers arrested and 218 grey parrots rescued; 500 birds of other protected species seized, 300of them already dead. International collaboration with EUROPOL brought more arrests in Europe
    • 18 traffickers in hippo ivory arrested, almost half ton of hippo ivory seized
    • 89,5% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
    • 3,165 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions published in national media and 23 international media pieces published
    • The 10th replication of the EAGLE Network in Ivory Coast kicked off by a crackdown on ivory and leopard skin traffickers in May
    • EAGLE’s main mission continues to be fighting corruption, 15 corrupt enforcement, wildlife and other government officials were arrested this year
    eagle-network-1st-semesterl-report-2017.pdf, 1.12 MB
    • 218 significant wildlife traffickers and other criminals arrested in 9 countries
    • At least in 13 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation
    • 105 ivory traffickers arrested with more than 2,100 kg of ivory, which includes over 350 tusks and 40 carved pieces.
    • One of the biggest ape traffickers in the African continent Abdourahamane Sidibe and his son Abdoul Salam Sidibé arrested in Guinea
    • The 10th replication of the EAGLE Network in Ivory Coast kicked off by a crackdown on ivory and leopard skin traffickers in May
    • 8 great ape traffickers arrested in 2 countries and 6 live chimpanzees rescued
    • 22 pangolin traffickers arrested in 7 operations in 4 countries, 5 live pangolins rescued and more than 5,107 kg of their scales seized
    • 47 big cat traffickers arrested, 36 leopard skins, 3 lion skins, 1 cheetah skin and 9 leopard skulls seized
    • 11 reptile traffickers were arrested, 118 of threatened turtles and tortoises and 9 crocodiles were rescued and released to the wild, 95 crocodile skins, 817 python skins, 101 monitor lizard skins and other contraband seized
    • 4 bird traffickers arrested and 218 grey parrots rescued; 500 birds of other protected species seized, 300of them already dead
    • 10 traffickers in hippo ivory arrested with 225 kg of hippo ivory
    • 96,5% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars for the first week
    • 143 traffickers prosecuted and condemned, 75 of them to imprisonment sentences of various time
    • 1,187 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions published in national media and 17 international media pieces published
    eagle-network-annual-report-2016-1.pdf, 1.32 MB
    • 306 wildlife and forest criminals arrested in 9 countries
    • At least in 23 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation
    • 156 ivory traffickers arrested with a total of 1,260 kg of ivory, which includes 371 tusks and 1,945 pieces of carved ivory
    • 19 great ape traffickers arrested with 45 chimpanzee skulls, 19 gorilla skulls and other body parts, one alive chimpanzee was rescued
    • 36 big cats traffickers were arrested and 33 leopard skins, 2 cheetah skins and several lion skins were seized
    • Balla Doumbouya - the head of international wildlife trafficking ring arrested in Guinea
    • Ansouame Doumboya, Tierno Barry and Balla Douumboya were sentenced to prison
    • 82% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
    • 2,099 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions were published in national media in 9 countries and 17 international media covered EAGLE’s work
    • The CCU and Steering Group members conducted 24 missions to the countries to ensure better quality control and adequate support to the countries.
    eagle-network-wildcat-first-semester-2016-report.pdf, 0.99 MB
    • 146 wildlife and forest criminals arrested in 8 countries
    • At least in 15 of the cases, corruption was so flagrant that it was exposed on the day of operation
    • 72 ivory traffickers arrested with a total of 650 kg of ivory, which includes 142 tusks and 1,128 pieces of carved ivory
    • 16 great ape traffickers arrested with 44 chimpanzee skulls, 18 gorilla skulls and other body parts
    • 21 big cats traffickers were arrested and 18 leopard skins were seized
    • Balla Doumbouya - the head of international wildlife trafficking ring arrested in Guinea
    • 87% of the arrested traffickers remained behind bars
    • 807 media pieces on EAGLE arrests and prosecutions were published in national media in 8countries and 13 international media covered EAGLE’s work
    • The CCU and Steering Group members conducted 10 missions to the countries to ensure better quality control and adequate support to the countries
    eagle-network-annual-report-2015.pdf, 4.4 MB
    • 286 wildlife and forest criminals arrested in 8 countries
    • 99 ivory traffickers arrested with a total of 700 kg of ivory, which includes 173 tusks and 384 pieces of carved ivory
    • 34 great ape traffickers arrested with 3 live chimp babies, 68 chimpanzee skulls, 26 gorilla skulls and other body parts
    • The former wildlife head and the CITES authority of Guinea arrested; he was involved in large scale international wildlife trafficking and corruption for more than 10 years
    • A large international trader involved in the illegal trade in CITES species such as chimpanzees, manatees and other primates, arrested in Guinea.
    • A significant international bird trafficker arrested in Senegal with 111 Critically Endangered Timneth Parrots and thousands of other endangered birds.
    • 2 ivory traffickers arrested in Gabon with 206 kg of ivory - the largest amount in Gabon’s history
    • The 8th EAGLE project was launched in Uganda as EAGLE expands to East Africa
    • EAGLE’s Central Coordination Unit (CCU) was established and started fulfilling its role in supporting and supervising the country projects, improving performance and getting daily insight into the network
    • The arrests of international traffickers showcased how the CCU can take EAGLE to a new era of strategically designed investigations
    • EAGLE website and social media launched
    rapport-annuel-2015-du-eagle-network.pdf, 4.83 MB
    • 286 criminels fauniques et forestiers arrêtés dans 8 pays.
    • 99 trafiquants d'ivoire arrêtés avec un total de 700 kg d’ivoire, comprenant 143 défenses et 384 pièces d'ivoire sculptés.
    • 34 grands trafiquants de grands singes arrêtés avec 3 bébés chimpanzés vivants, 68 crânes de chimpanzés, 26 crânes de gorilles et autres parties de corps.
    • L'ancien chef de la Faune et de l'autorité CITES de la Guinée arrêté; il a été impliqué à grande échelle dans la corruption et le trafic international des espèces sauvages pendant plus de 10 ans.
    • Un grand négociant international impliqué dans le commerce illégal d'espèces CITES tels que les chimpanzés, les lamantins et autres primates, arrêté en Guinée.
    • Un important trafiquant international d'oiseaux arrêté au Sénégal avec 111 perroquets Timneth, espèce en danger critique d'extinction et des milliers d'autres oiseaux en voie de disparition.
    • 2 trafiquants d'ivoire arrêtés au Gabon avec 206 kg d'ivoire - le plus grand montant dans l'histoire du Gabon.
    • Le 8ème projet EAGLE a été lancé en Ouganda, EAGLE s’élargit donc Afrique de l'Est.
    • L’Unité Centrale de Coordination d’EAGLE (CCU) a été créée et a commencé à remplir son rôle dans le soutien et la supervision des projets des pays, dans l'amélioration des performances et obtenir un aperçu quotidien du réseau.
    • Les arrestations de trafiquants internationaux ont montré comment le CCU peut amener EAGLE dans de nouvelles stratégies d'enquêtes.
    • Site web et réseaux sociaux EAGLE ont été lancés.