1st EAGLE arrest in Madagascar!!!

The newest EAGLE project (called ALARM) developed by Alliance Voatary Gasy (AVG) in Madagascar launched magnificently! 5 traffickers with 199 radiated tortoises arrested during the first operation carried out by ALARM team and police. The traffickers arrived to a hotel in the centre of capital city with an intention to sell the tortoises. They were carrying them in suitcases in very harsh conditions for these sensitive animals. They were arrested in the act during the attempt to sell them.

Radiated Tortoises occur naturally only in the extreme southern and southwestern Madagascar, they can also be found in the rest of this island. It is a very long-lived species, with recorded lifespan of at least 188 years. These tortoises are classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN, mainly because of the destruction of their habitat and because of poaching. They are also listed on CITES Appendix I. Their rarity makes them popular pets all around the world, especially in China and other Asian countries.